Canoë Loire
Try a break in Briennon, near Roanne, and discover the Loire, the last remaining wild river in Europe, canoeing or kayaking!

to our countryside
Share an afternoon or a full day of relaxation, leisure and sport with friends or family, experience the thrill of drifting on the water and/or cycling on the greenway.
For all tastes, sports lovers, nature lovers, couples, families, works councils, stag and hen parties, birthdays, team building events, all occasions are good to fill up with fresh air and memories with a canoe trip and/or a bike ride.

Destination Evasion
The port of Briennon
Visit the port of BriennonA former tile factory converted into a marina, the port of Briennon attracts nature and river lovers.
Discover the « gravière aux oiseaux »The « gravière » is located in the heart of the Roannais region on the banks of the Loire. It is a place of educational discovery and observation of the wild flora and fauna of wetlands.
The canal
Strolling along the banks of the canal.On the shady towpath, following the gentle course of the canal between Roanne and Digoin, experience a genuine moment of peacefulness along the water.
The Loire River
Cruising along the river.The Loire is the last remaining wild river in Europe and the longest river in France. It stretches over 1,020 km (about 635 miles). The Loire is said to be wild because its bed is made up of sand, which makes it very difficult to navigate.
Sport, nature and outdoor activities according to your wishes.

Canoes or kayaks
To hire for a free ride, following routes planned by us.
Paddle down the Loire River
Take in the gorgeous scenery along the way and enjoy the beautiful wildlife.

Hire a bike for a ride on the canal’s greenway between Roanne and Briennon.
Cycle along the banks of the canal
This greenway follows the route of an old railway line. The route is flat, very shady, and runs through the countryside along the Loire River.

Combined activities
Canoeing + Cycling
Combine the pleasure of paddling on the river with a bike ride back. Several routes are available.

US ?
Je m’appelle Patrick Chatre, natif de Briennon, j’ai vécu toute mon enfance dans la commune et la région où j’ai parcouru tous les chemins, les bords de Loire et du canal. J’y ai pratiqué la pêche, le vélo et la baignade dans la Loire.
Je suis un passionné de sport en tout genre et particulièrement nautique. C’est tout naturellement qu’un jour je me suis acheté mon premier kayak en fibre de verre afin de parcourir la Loire régulièrement et découvrir la beauté du paysage, sa faune et sa flore.
Après 30 ans de travail en entreprise et un licenciement économique, un changement de vie s’est imposé. Il a fallu me réinventer et penser à une nouvelle activité.
Amoureux de la nature, de la Loire et de ces descentes en canoë, il m’est alors venu l’envie de le partager et transmettre ma passion…
Avec mon épouse nous avons ainsi créé CANOË LOIRE AVENTURE il y a plus de 15 ans…
Cette aventure nous ravit de saisons en saisons où nous avons le plaisir de vous retrouver et vous permettre de découvrir cette discipline en toute simplicité et ouverte à tous.
To make this moment enjoyable for all
we all need to share the same values and.
Respect nature
Consider other people
Follow the schedule
Respect the equipment
Any questions?
+336 07 88 48 78
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